Watermelon Cake

Recipe Watermelon Cake01

Summer is almost here and we’ve got the perfect cake to wow your guests!


  • 1 Whole watermelon
  • 1 Banana
  • 1 Punnet Strawberry
  • 1 Punnet Raspberry
  • 1 Punnet Raspberry
  • 1 Punnet Blueberry
  • 1 Kiwi fruit
  • 1 Passionfruit Mint


  1. Cut the watermelon into 4 round circles of increasing sizes by laying the watermelon on its side and cutting vertically straight through. Cut off the skin.
  2. Arrange the slices to form tower shape.
  3. Slice up all other and arrange around and on the watermelon.
  4. Serve fresh.